My thoughts, thats all.

Monday, November 20, 2006

One week later - 1

Well, I'm back after my first real weekend here. So far so good I must say. Last week was pretty uneventful other than just getting in the swing of things. I have found moving here much easier than moving to Ohio. Meeting expats has been easy, the city is easy to get around, and everything seems to be at your fingertips. Everything here is remarkably similar to home but different at the same time. This really makes just walking around fun. Here are some examples.

From 2) China Town...

This is a dragon fruit and a ginormous beer. I had never seen a dragon fruit before, but apparently you can get them in the U.S. They taste kind bland but look crazy because they are white as snow with little white seeds. The beer speaks for itself, it is freaking huge. One of these days, I'm just going to drink it and see where the night takes me.

The next few pictures are from the weekend. The first one is in a place called Clark Ouay on the river.

From 2) China Town...

This where I went out with a bunch of Brits Friday night. Too many beers later we ended up at this club that had a pretty good vibe about it, one of probably 20 at Clark Quay. The only bad part was that it felt not unlike a Tech party, too many dudes. Oh well, still a good night out.

The next morning I went on a run at the botanical garden which is about a mile away. The picture below is a tree in the garden that is not unique by a long shot; just an example of one of many huge trees that are all over town. The garden is wonderful though with man eating plants around every bend.

From 2) China Town...

Next comes China town in the following picture.

From 2) China Town...

China town is exact thing you should expect from a china town; cheap trinkets, lively atmosphere, good food, "message" parlors, and medicine shops filled with dried sea creators and the like. The one exception is that Singapore's largest Hindu temple is located in China town. It looks crazy with the God statues all over every surface. Too bad no one was running across coals, aparently that was last month...

From 2) China Town...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site dialog is hilarious. I enjoyed reading your story about your journey and viewing the beautiful pictures you posted. Continue to have fun because this is an opportunity that you will remember forever. Look forward to the rest of the story! – John M

8:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"message" parlors? Do they write silly little notes and allow you to send them to different people? hehe *winks*

I love how you crossed the freakign ocean and still found a "tech party"

much love! be safe!!!


10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad someone else caught the "message" parlors. :)


9:33 PM

Blogger spacernglr said...

If you could only see their messages at these places, ooh my!

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want walking on coals? I'll give you walking on coals!! All them years and I taught you nothing. Oh well....enjoy them messages.


10:44 PM


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