My thoughts, thats all.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Last Night In Singapore - For A Bit

My last night in Singapore was epic. I was just walking to this pub we often frequent to meet some buddies. The well-trodden path to the pub takes you over some railroad tracks; this time however was different than normal. As I walked over the bridge I look down on the tracks and saw this beautiful woman stretched out with her arms and legs tied up. I rushed down, like a knight in shining armor, untied her, scooped her up, and took her back to my place in a very 'Ret Butler-esk' move. The whole scene might as well have been in an old classic black and white movie...

Well needless to say I take this fine Cinderella back to my castle and make made passionate love to her for the remainder of the evening. The next morning I woke up like normal and met my local friends for breakfast and endluge them with this story. I tell them how beautiful this woman was, how she had a perfect figure, perfect body, it was awesome!!

Then one of my buddies turns to me and asks, "Well if her body was that great, how was her face??" I turn to him and say "I dono, I couldn’t find her head at the railroad tracks!!"

Merry Christmas everyone. GO USA!!

From Christmas Party


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow mike. i am so glad you made it back here safe! what a typical story of yours... full of shit! :) he he.

and yes, i really did ask you that question :)


12:22 AM


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